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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package hl7.fhir.us.breast-radiology#current (78 ms)

Package hl7.fhir.us.breast-radiology
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://hl7.org/fhir/us/breast-radiology/https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-breast-radiology-ig/CodeSystem-ObservedChangesCS.html
Url http://hl7.org/fhir/us/breast-radiology/CodeSystem/ObservedChangesCS
Version 0.3.0
Status active
Date 2022-12-07T21:19:53+00:00
Name ObservedChangesCS
Title Observed Changes CodeSystem
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description Observed changes in an abnormality code system.
Content complete

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ObservedChangesVS ObservedChanges ValueSet

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This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/us/breast-radiology/CodeSystem/ObservedChangesCS defines the following codes:

DecreaseInCalcifications Decrease in calcificationsThere is an decrease in the number of calcifications associated with the item being observed. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item.
DecreaseInNumber Decrease in numberThere is an decrease in the number of items being observed. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item.
DecreaseInSize Decrease in sizeThe lesion/mass has decreased in size since. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item.
IncreaseInCalcifications Increase in calcificationsThere is an increase in the number of calcifications associated with the item being observed. This increase is from the previous observation of this item.
IncreaseInNumber Increase in numberThere is an increase in the number of items being observed. This increase is from the previous observation of this item.
IncreaseInSize Increase in sizeThe item being observed has increased in size. This increase is from the previous observation of this item.
LessProminent Less prominentThe item being observed has decreased in prominance. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item.
MoreProminent More prominentThe item being observed has increased in prominance. This increase is from the previous observation of this item.
New NewThere are new items being observed present. This increase is from the previous observation of this item.
NoLongerSeen No longer seenThe item being observed is no longer visible. It was visible on previous observations.
NotSignificantChanged Not significant changedThe item being observed has not significantly changed since the last Mammogram.
PartiallyRemoved Partially removedThe item being observed was partially removed since last observation.
RepresentsChange Represents changeThe item being observed has changed since the last observation.
Stable StableThe item being observed has remained stable since the last observation.


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "ObservedChangesCS",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p>This code system <code>http://hl7.org/fhir/us/breast-radiology/CodeSystem/ObservedChangesCS</code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DecreaseInCalcifications<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-DecreaseInCalcifications\"> </a></td><td>Decrease in calcifications</td><td>There is an decrease in the number of calcifications associated with the item being observed.\nThis decrease is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DecreaseInNumber<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-DecreaseInNumber\"> </a></td><td>Decrease in number</td><td>There is an decrease in the number of items being observed. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DecreaseInSize<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-DecreaseInSize\"> </a></td><td>Decrease in size</td><td>The lesion/mass has decreased in size since. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IncreaseInCalcifications<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-IncreaseInCalcifications\"> </a></td><td>Increase in calcifications</td><td>There is an increase in the number of calcifications associated with the item being observed.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IncreaseInNumber<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-IncreaseInNumber\"> </a></td><td>Increase in number</td><td>There is an increase in the number of items being observed.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IncreaseInSize<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-IncreaseInSize\"> </a></td><td>Increase in size</td><td>The item being observed has increased in size.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">LessProminent<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-LessProminent\"> </a></td><td>Less prominent</td><td>The item being observed has decreased in prominance.\nThis decrease is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MoreProminent<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-MoreProminent\"> </a></td><td>More prominent</td><td>The item being observed has increased in prominance.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">New<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-New\"> </a></td><td>New</td><td>There are new items being observed present.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">NoLongerSeen<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-NoLongerSeen\"> </a></td><td>No longer seen</td><td>The item being observed is no longer visible.\nIt was visible on previous observations.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">NotSignificantChanged<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-NotSignificantChanged\"> </a></td><td>Not significant changed</td><td>The item being observed has not significantly changed since the last Mammogram.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PartiallyRemoved<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-PartiallyRemoved\"> </a></td><td>Partially removed</td><td>The item being observed was partially removed since last observation.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RepresentsChange<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-RepresentsChange\"> </a></td><td>Represents change</td><td>The item being observed has changed since the last observation.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">Stable<a name=\"ObservedChangesCS-Stable\"> </a></td><td>Stable</td><td>The item being observed has remained stable since the last observation.</td></tr></table></div>"
  "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/us/breast-radiology/CodeSystem/ObservedChangesCS",
  "version" : "0.3.0",
  "name" : "ObservedChangesCS",
  "title" : "Observed Changes CodeSystem",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2022-12-07T21:19:53+00:00",
  "publisher" : "HL7 International - Clinical Interoperability Council",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "HL7 International - Clinical Interoperability Council",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/cic"
  "description" : "Observed changes in an abnormality code system.",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
          "code" : "US",
          "display" : "United States of America"
  "caseSensitive" : false,
  "content" : "complete",
  "count" : 14,
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "DecreaseInCalcifications",
      "display" : "Decrease in calcifications",
      "definition" : "There is an decrease in the number of calcifications associated with the item being observed.\nThis decrease is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "DecreaseInNumber",
      "display" : "Decrease in number",
      "definition" : "There is an decrease in the number of items being observed. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "DecreaseInSize",
      "display" : "Decrease in size",
      "definition" : "The lesion/mass has decreased in size since. This decrease is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "IncreaseInCalcifications",
      "display" : "Increase in calcifications",
      "definition" : "There is an increase in the number of calcifications associated with the item being observed.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "IncreaseInNumber",
      "display" : "Increase in number",
      "definition" : "There is an increase in the number of items being observed.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "IncreaseInSize",
      "display" : "Increase in size",
      "definition" : "The item being observed has increased in size.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "LessProminent",
      "display" : "Less prominent",
      "definition" : "The item being observed has decreased in prominance.\nThis decrease is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "MoreProminent",
      "display" : "More prominent",
      "definition" : "The item being observed has increased in prominance.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "New",
      "display" : "New",
      "definition" : "There are new items being observed present.\nThis increase is from the previous observation of this item."
      "code" : "NoLongerSeen",
      "display" : "No longer seen",
      "definition" : "The item being observed is no longer visible.\nIt was visible on previous observations."
      "code" : "NotSignificantChanged",
      "display" : "Not significant changed",
      "definition" : "The item being observed has not significantly changed since the last Mammogram."
      "code" : "PartiallyRemoved",
      "display" : "Partially removed",
      "definition" : "The item being observed was partially removed since last observation."
      "code" : "RepresentsChange",
      "display" : "Represents change",
      "definition" : "The item being observed has changed since the last observation."
      "code" : "Stable",
      "display" : "Stable",
      "definition" : "The item being observed has remained stable since the last observation."

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.